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California Department of Housing and Community Development Awards $10.7 Million to Address Homelessness in Comprehensive, Multipronged Approach

California Department of Housing and Community Development Awards $10.7 Million to Address Homelessness in Comprehensive, Multipronged Approach

November 12, 2019

SACRAMENTO — Today, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) announced awards totaling $10.7 million from the federal Emergency Solutions Grants program to help address homelessness throughout California using a comprehensive, multipronged approach.

The award recipients (listed below) will use the grants to help individuals and families avoid homelessness; quickly get back into housing (“rapid rehousing”) if they experience homelessness; conduct outreach and connect people at-risk of or experiencing homelessness to services and temporary or permanent housing; help operate and provide essential services in emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; and create permanent, affordable homes that come with supportive services to help those who may need extra support to remain stable once they have a place to call home.

Funding for the Emergency Solutions Grants comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the money is distributed by HCD through two separate funding pools. Both funding pools are available to Continuums of Care — regional or local planning bodies that coordinate housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. The first funding pool, Continuum of Care Allocation Pool, is for continuums collaborating with “Administrative Entities” to utilize their funding. The second pool, the Balance of State Allocation Pool for Continuums of Care is for “service areas” that do not contain a city or county that receives Emergency Solutions Grants directly from HUD. The Balance of State funding pool is further segmented into competitive and noncompetitive allocations.

These grants and the other new funding sources provide California critical resources to help end homelessness in California.

The next round of federal Emergency Solutions Grants is expected to be available in Spring 2020.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Funding Awards

$10.7 Million Awarded, November 12, 2019

ESG Balance of State Competitive Funding

Applicant Total Award Amount Region Continuum of Care
Center for Domestic Peace $200,000 Bay Area Marin County
Shelter, Inc. $200,000 Bay Area Vallejo, Solano Counties
Homeward Bound of Marin $30,693 Bay Area Marin County
Only Kindness Inc. $200,000 Central and Imperial Valley El Dorado County
Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc. $125,000 Central and Imperial Valley Inyo, Mono, Alpine Counties
Women Haven $200,000 Central and Imperial Valley Imperial County
Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc. $125,000 Central and Imperial Valley Inyo, Mono, Alpine Counties
Stand Up Placer $182,400 Central and Imperial Valley Roseville, Rocklin, Placer Counties
Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project $63,825 Central and Imperial Valley Merced City and County
Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency $200,000 Northern Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa Counties
Empower Tehama $200,000 Northern Tehama County
Human Response Network $100,000 Northern Colusa, Glenn, Trinity Counties
County of Shasta $200,000 Northern Redding, Shasta, Siskiyou, Lassen, Plumas, Del Norte, Modoc, Sierras Counties
Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency $200,000 Northern Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa Counties
The Salvation Army $200,000 Northern Yuba City and County, Sutter Counties
True North Housing Alliance $23,265 Northern Chico, Paradise, Butte Counties


ESG Balance of State Noncompetitive Funding

Applicant Total Award Amount Region Continuum of Care
Ritter Center $92,980 Bay Area Marin County
Napa County $55,707 Bay Area Napa City and County
Shelter, Inc. $124,003 Bay Area Vallejo, Solano County
Families in Transition of Santa Cruz County, Inc $78,852 Bay Area Santa Cruz City and County, Watsonville County
Homeless Services Center $78,552 Bay Area Santa Cruz City and County, Watsonville County
Empower Yolo, Inc $131,405 Central and Imperial Valley Davis, Woodland, Yolo Counties
Only Kindness, Inc $73,001 Central and Imperial Valley El Dorado County
WomanHaven $154,459 Central and Imperial Valley Imperial County
Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc (IMACA) $53,872 Central and Imperial Valley Inyo, Mono, Alpine Counties
Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project Central and Imperial Valley Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project
Advocates for Mentally III Housing, Inc. $71,792 Central and Imperial Valley Nevada County
Advocates for Mentally III Housing, Inc. $78,810 Central and Imperial Valley Roseville, Rocklin, Placer, Nevada Counties
The Salvation Army, A California Corporation $188,000 Central and Imperial Valley Visalia, Kings, Tulare Counties
Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA) $61,893 Northern Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa Counties
True North Housing Alliance, Inc $121,325 Northern Chico, Paradise, Butte Counties
Glenn County $64,609 Northern Colusa, Glenn, Trinity Counties
Arcata House Partnership $120,984 Northern Humboldt
North Coast Opportunities $124,579 Northern Lake County
Redwood Community Services, Inc. $65,532 Northern Mendocino County
Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center $65,532 Northern Mendocino County
County of Shasta $135,046 Northern Redding, Shasta, Siskiyou, Lassen, Plumas, Del Norte, Modoc Sierra Counties
County of Trinity $27,595 Northern Colusa, Glenn, Trinity Counties
Poor and the Homeless Tehama County Coalition $106,226 Northern Tehama County
Bridges to Housing $35,000 Northern Yuba City and County, Sutter County
The Salvation Army $79,143 Northern Yuba City and County, Sutter County

ESG Continuum of Care/Administrative Entities

Continuum of Care Service Areas Total Award Amount
Bakersfield, Kern Counties $273,261
Daly, San Mateo Counties $184,473
Los Angeles City and County $1,120,863
Oakland, Alameda Counties $342,374
Oxnard, San Buenaventura, Ventura Counties $151,046
Richmond, Contra Costa Counties $277,692
Riverside City and County $303,373
Sacramento City and County $213,416
Salinas, Monterey, San Benito Counties $280,598
San Bernardino City and County $302,668
San Diego City and County $453,822
San Jose, Santa Clara City and County $386,662
San Luis Obispo County $105,588
Santa Ana, Anaheim, Orange Counties $605,188
Santa Maria, Santa Barbara Counties $328,840
Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Sonoma Counties $219,283
Stockton, San Joaquin Counties $180,212
Turlock, Modesto, Stanislaus Counties $270,601
Total $5,999,960


Contact Details:

Monica Hernandez
(916) 890-5240