The RecoverCA Housing Programs are intended for low-income and moderate-income homeowners who have reconstruction needs from qualifying disasters or who have mitigation* needs and live in an eligible county.
*The Reconstruction Programs are accepting all applications. The Mitigation Programs are accepting applications for waitlist only. The last day to submit an application is April 15, 2025.
Apply for Financial Assistance
Choose from one of the following programs below to get started.
Intended for homeowners with home-hardening and/or defensible space needs. Defensible space includes creating a buffer zone around a home, one that is free of any vegetation or other combustible materials, and includes instead non-conbustible materials like pea gravel and hardscape.
Intended for homeowners with remaining reconstruction needs on their primary dwelling and damage was a result of a qualifying disaster and located in a county listed above. (For the 2021 Program, landlords are eligible to participate if they agree to rent to low- to moderate-income tenants.)