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Programs: Active

These programs either have funding currently available for application or will be announcing a notice of funding availability (NOFA) in the next 12 months.


In This Section

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program 
Categories: Climate Mitigation, Federal Funding, Homeownership, Infrastructure, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding

Funding for housing, transportation, and land preservation projects that support infill and compact development in proximity to transit to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program — for Local Governments, Tribes, and Utilities 
Categories: Community Development, Federal Funding, Infrastructure, Planning, Rural

ERAP is for local governments within California seeking Emergency Rental Assistance Funds under California Senate Bill (SB) 91 — from California’s State Rental Assistance Program and/or a block grant.

CalHome Program 
Categories: Homeownership, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Provides grants to local public agencies and nonprofit corporations for first-time homebuyer and housing rehabilitation assistance, homebuyer counseling and technical assistance activities.
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) 
Categories: Community Development, Federal Funding, Infrastructure, Planning, Rural

CDBG funds community & economic development & disaster recovery to create suitable living environments by expanding economic opportunities & providing decent housing to low-income households.
Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG) 
Categories: Federal Funding, Homelessness, Rural

Grants to address homelessness by providing funding for supportive services, emergency shelter/transitional housing, homelessness prevention assistance, and permanent housing.
Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF) Program 
Categories: Homelessness, State Funding, State Grant

Grants for local jurisdictions to develop coordinated strategies to resolve l encampments and transition people experiencing homelessness in encampments into safe and stable housing.
Excess Sites Local Government Matching Grants Program (LGMG) 
Categories: Climate Mitigation, Homeownership, Infrastructure, Multifamily, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Provides grant funding to support and accelerate selected affordable housing projects on excess state sites.

Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant 
Categories: Homelessness, State Funding, State Grant

Grants for local jurisdictions to support the development and acceleration of innovative programs that expand promising practices and create solutions to address and end family homelessness.
HOME American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) 
Categories: Community Development, Federal Funding, Homelessness, Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural

Assists individuals or households at risk of, or experiencing homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) 
Categories: Federal Funding, Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural

Create and retain affordable housing for lower-income renters, homebuyers, or homeowners by funding tenant assistance, or single- or multi-family acquisition and/or rehabilitation or new construction.
Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Grant Program 
Categories: Homelessness, State Funding, State Grant

Grants for local jurisdictions to support regional coordination and local homelessness response to address challenges and increase permanent housing solutions for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Homeownership Super NOFA 
Categories: Homeownership, Rural, State Funding

Funding for homeownership new construction and rehabilitation, first time homebuyer assistance, acquisition of manufactured housing, and technical assistance for low-income and agricultural households.
Infill Infrastructure Grant Program 
Categories: Climate Mitigation, Infrastructure, Multifamily, Rural, State Funding

Grant funding for infrastructure improvements that are an integral part of or necessary to facilitate new infill housing in residential and/or mixed-use projects.
Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program (FWHG)  
Categories: Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Grants and loans for development or rehabilitation of rental and owner-occupied housing for agricultural workers with priority for lower-income households.
Loan Portfolio Restructuring Program (LPR) 
Categories: Multifamily, Preservation, State Funding

Allows existing HCD borrowers to restructure their Department loans to preserve affordable housing units.
Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants 
Categories: Community Development, Planning, State Funding, State Grant

LEAP provides funding to assist cities and counties in updating their housing plan and implement process improvement to accelerate housing production.
Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program 
Categories: Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Matching grant funds to local and regional housing trust funds dedicated to the creation, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable housing, transitional housing, and emergency shelters.
Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) 
Categories: Homelessness, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding

Low-interest, long-term deferred-payment loans for new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent rental housing for lower-income households.
National Housing Trust Fund Program (NHTF) 
Categories: Federal Funding, Multifamily, Rural

Federal program to increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing, with an emphasis on rental housing for extremely low-income households.
No Place Like Home Program 
Categories: Homelessness, Multifamily, State Funding

Funds the development of permanent supportive housing for persons who are in need of mental health services and are experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness, or at risk of chronic homelessness.
Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program (PLHA) 
Categories: Community Development, Homelessness, Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Grant funding available to eligible local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of their local communities.
Pet Assistance and Support (PAS) Program 
Categories: Homelessness, State Funding, State Grant

Grant funds to homeless shelters for pet shelter, food and basic veterinary services for pets owned by individuals experiencing homelessness.
Portfolio Reinvestment Program (PRP) 
Categories: Homelessness, Multifamily, Preservation, Rural, State Funding

PRP provides funds to rehabilitate and extend the long-term affordability of HCD-funded housing projects.
Predevelopment Loan Program (PDLP) 
Categories: Multifamily, Rural, State Funding

Short-term loans to finance predevelopment costs to preserve, construct, rehabilitate or convert assisted housing for low-income households.
Prohousing Incentive Program (PIP) 
Categories: Community Development, Homelessness, Homeownership, Multifamily, Preservation, State Funding, State Grant

Program provides funds to assist local governments with Prohousing Designation to accelerate affordable housing production and conservation.
Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants of 2019 
Categories: Climate Mitigation, Community Development, Infrastructure, Planning, Rural, State Funding

Funding for regional governments and entities for planning activities which accelerate housing and facilitate compliance of 6th cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation.
Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants of 2021 
Categories: Climate Mitigation, Community Development, Infrastructure, Planning, Rural, State Funding

Supports transformative planning and implementation activities to accelerate infill and affordable developments, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reductions and affirmatively furthering fair housing.
SB 2 Planning Grants 
Categories: Community Development, Planning, Rural, State Funding, State Grant

Provides funding and technical assistance to local governments to adopt and implement plans and process improvements that streamline housing approvals and accelerate housing production.
Tribal Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (Tribal HHAP) Grants Program 
Categories: Homelessness, State Funding, State Grant

Grants for California Federally Recognized Tribes to support unique, culturally responsive interventions to prevent and address homelessness within their communities.
Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Program (VHHP) 
Categories: Homelessness, Multifamily, State Funding

Long-term loans for development or preservation of rental housing for very low- and low-income veterans and their families.