Housing Open Data Tools
Track and download jurisdictions’ progress towards their housing goals by viewing data on housing applications, permits, and construction activity.
Identify development sites that may be eligible for streamlining under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) using a mapping tool managed by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Re
Search excess state-owned properties identified as potentially suitable for affordable housing development.
Learn how jurisdictions are using state planning grants to implement practices and solutions that accelerate housing production and meet housing needs.
Explore surplus local public land for which local agencies have sent notices of availability that is potentially suitable for affordable housing development.
View key metrics that track HCD’s implementation of the SLA, including HCD's technical assistance to local agencies and the number of housing units unlocked through these actions.
View current fiscal activity for HHAP Rounds 1-4, including obligated and expended funds, eligible use breakdown of funding, and HHAP award progress.
Interactive data dashboard for awards across CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT programs, including Quarterly Performance Reports.
View current fiscal activity for ERF Rounds 2 and 3, including obligated and expended funds, grantee type, and ERF award progress.