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Surplus Land Act Dashboard

The Surplus Land Act Dashboard below reflects the number of housing units “unlocked” as a result of the Housing Accountability Unit’s (HAU) support and review of dispositions of local public land for compliance with the Surplus Land Act.

The Dashboard shows the number of affordable homes and total homes that have been unlocked through dispositions reviewed by the HAU since January 1, 2021. These homes are unlocked through the “surplus” pathway and the “exempt surplus” pathway, including the affordable housing exemption that provides a streamlined path to compliance for developments that meet minimum affordable housing requirements. Click on “Data Definitions” to learn more about what these and other terms on the dashboard mean.

The HAU provides support on how to comply with the Surplus Land Act, including the various exemption categories, proper noticing procedures, and other disposition requirements. The Dashboard also tracks the number of formal technical assistance and disposition review letters sent by the HAU that help unlock home production and support compliance with the Surplus Land Act.

Questions about the Surplus Land Act and the Surplus Land Act Dashboard may be submitted via the Surplus Land Portal.

