Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants of 2019
Increasing the availability of affordable homes statewide is critical to bettering the quality of life of all Californians and to ending homelessness.
In the 2019-20 Budget Act, Governor Gavin Newsom allocated $250 million for all regions, cities, and counties to do their part by prioritizing planning activities that accelerate housing production to meet identified needs of every community. HCD established the Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP) with the $125 million allocation to regions.
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Reporting & Compliance

Reporting & Compliance
REAP provides one-time grant funding to regional governments and regional entities for planning activities that will accelerate housing production and facilitate compliance in implementing the sixth cycle of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation.
The 2019-20 Budget Act provides a spectrum of support, incentives, resources, and accountability to meet California’s housing goals. Some specific elements include:
- Local and regional planning grants (LEAP and REAP)
- Prohousing preference points on competitive funding applications
- Additional funding resources
- Accountability (penalties for noncompliant housing plans)
- Reform (collaborative processes to reform regional housing needs)
For cities or counties – The Budget Act created a planning grant program specifically for cities and counties that is like the SB2 Planning Grants Program. This new program is referred to as the Local Early Action Planning Grants (LEAP). For more information on LEAP, please visit the Local Early Action Planning Grant page.
Eligible Activities
Eligible activities must be related to housing planning and facilitate the streamlining and acceleration of housing production. Eligible activities conducted by applicants must fall under one or more of the following main categories:
- Developing an improved methodology for the distribution of the sixth cycle regional housing needs assessment (RHNA).
- Sub-allocating funds directly and equitably to jurisdictions or sub-regional entities in the form of planning grants that will accommodate the development of housing and infrastructure that accelerate housing production.
- Providing jurisdictions and other local agencies with technical assistance, planning, temporary staffing or consultant needs associated with updating local planning and zoning documents, expediting application processing, and other actions to accelerate additional housing production.
- Administrative costs related to the three main categories listed above.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are limited to COGs, multiagency working groups, and counties not represented by COGs or working groups, as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50515.02.
29 Potential Regional Entities
Councils of Government
Multiagency Working Groups
Other COGs, Jurisdictions, or Consortia
A COG or a fiscal agent of a multiagency working group may request up to 25% of the funding available in advance of the NOFA and full application.
NOFA Release: February 2020
Application Deadline: January 31, 2021
Deadline to Submit Remittance Request to HCD: June 30, 2024
HCD Expenditure Deadline: December 31, 2024
Technical Assistance: April 2020 – 2024
Technical Assistance: April 2020 – 2024
Grant Payments
To request payments please complete:
- REAP Request for Funds Form (PDF) and,
- Complete all tabs of the Invoice to HCD Template (XLS)
Email completed document and invoices (if applicable) to Payments are processed in the order received.
Technical Assistance
Planning Grants and Local Housing Strategies Map
The Planning Grants and Local Housing Strategies Map will keep you up to date on:
- Cities' and counties' local planning practices and solutions for accelerating housing production
- Where HCD's technical assistance (TA) teams are conducting outreach and providing TA
- Which cities/counties have submitted planning grant applications
- Which jurisdictions are eligible for planning grants
The goals of the map:
- Promoting transparency in planning grant funding and distribution
- Illustrates HCD's commitment to geographic equity and access
- Creates a peer-learning environment by sharing jurisdictions' implementation efforts on accelerating housing production throughout the state
Reporting & Compliance
REAP Annual Report
The annual report must be submitted to HCD by April 1 of the year following receipt of funds and annually thereafter until funds are expended.
REAP Annual Report Template (DOC)
REAP Close Out Report
Upon completion of all deliverables within the Standard Agreement, the awardee shall submit a close out report.
REAP Close Out Reporting Form (DOC)
Awardees who have completed all deliverables and are ready to close out, please contact