Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant
Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grants and Technical Assistance Program
The Family Homelessness Challenge Grants provide competitive grants and technical assistance to local jurisdictions to promote rapid innovation and expand promising practices to create scalable solutions that can be shared across the state to address and ultimately end family homelessness.
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Notice of Funding
- FHC Round 2 Request for Applications (RFA) (PDF)
- FHC Enabling Legislation – Health and Safety Code Sections 50255 - 50259
FHC-2 Forms
Reporting & Compliance
FHC Outcomes and Person Served Reporting
Health and Safety Code Section 50259 lists the Homelessness Management Information (HMIS) system reporting requirements for FHC. FHC grantees and their subcontractors must report client data into their local Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 977 (Chapter 397, Statutes of 2021), and that data must be shared quarterly with the statewide Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS). As part of reporting responsibilities in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 502549, grantees must ensure proper recording of activities associated with these program funds. This is intended to efficiently capture many of the non-fiscal reporting responsibilities required under Health and Safety Code sections 50259.
Below are HMIS project setup instructions for FHC grantees:
HMIS Project Setup Instructions for HHAP, ERF, and FHC (PDF) provides updated information on funding codes and grant identifiers for grantees of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program, Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF) Program, and Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant. This document replaces prior funding code guidance and has been updated to include information on the new FY 2024 HUD HMIS Data Standards.
HMIS Project Setup Instructions for HHAP, ERF, and FHC - Abbreviated Overview (PDF) provides a high level overview of information on funding codes and grant identifiers to support statewide AB 977 implementation and is meant to act as a quick reference guide to the full length HMIS Project Setup Instructions above.
For any questions about HMIS project set up for HHAP funding, please email or their current technical assistance provider, Abt Associates at
Notice of Funding
- FHC Round 2 Request for Applications (RFA) (PDF)
- FHC Enabling Legislation – Health and Safety Code Sections 50255 - 50259
FHC-2 Forms
Apply Now

Apply Now
Reporting & Compliance
FHC Outcomes and Person Served Reporting
Health and Safety Code Section 50259 lists the Homelessness Management Information (HMIS) system reporting requirements for FHC. FHC grantees and their subcontractors must report client data into their local Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 977 (Chapter 397, Statutes of 2021), and that data must be shared quarterly with the statewide Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS). As part of reporting responsibilities in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 502549, grantees must ensure proper recording of activities associated with these program funds. This is intended to efficiently capture many of the non-fiscal reporting responsibilities required under Health and Safety Code sections 50259.
Below are HMIS project setup instructions for FHC grantees:
HMIS Project Setup Instructions for HHAP, ERF, and FHC (PDF) provides updated information on funding codes and grant identifiers for grantees of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program, Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF) Program, and Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant. This document replaces prior funding code guidance and has been updated to include information on the new FY 2024 HUD HMIS Data Standards.
HMIS Project Setup Instructions for HHAP, ERF, and FHC - Abbreviated Overview (PDF) provides a high level overview of information on funding codes and grant identifiers to support statewide AB 977 implementation and is meant to act as a quick reference guide to the full length HMIS Project Setup Instructions above.
For any questions about HMIS project set up for HHAP funding, please email or their current technical assistance provider, Abt Associates at
FHC Round 2 Standard Agreement Boilerplate (PDF)
HPD Homelessness Grants Office Hours
The Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) Housing Policy Development Division (HPD) Homelessness Grants Team holds monthly Office Hours on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 –11:00am.
Who Should Attend Office Hours?
The HPD Homelessness Grants Team holds Office Hours to provide program-related updates relevant to HPD Homelessness Grant eligible applicants, recipients, and sub-recipients, while providing a forum for real-time Q&A and discussion. Topics at office hours may include updates related to fiscal reporting, performance data, applications, statutory requirements, notices of funding availability (NOFAS), best practices, as well as presentations from guest speakers from partnering agencies and technical assistance providers.
HPD Homelessness Grant Programs:
- Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) Program
- Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF)
- Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant
How to Receive Office Hours Invitations and Updates:
If you are the contact for a HHAP, ERF, or FHC grant, you will automatically be added to the HPD Homelessness Grants Office Hours invite list. If you need to update the point of contact for any of these grants, please email us at for assistance.
If your organization is an eligible applicant or grantee of HHAP, ERF, or FHC, and you are interested in being added to the Office Hours invite list, you can complete the HPD Homelessness Grants Office Hours Contact List form.
FHC Round 1
- FHC Round 1 RFA (PDF) – Revised 3/23/22
- FHC Round 1 Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)