Reporting and Compliance: Loan Programs
All Rental Projects’ Reporting Requirements
Each rental project is governed by the rules in place at the time the funds were awarded or at the time the program came under the Uniform Multifamily Regulations through code, regulation, or guidelines, and by the rules governing any subsequent awards or transactions. Each program is slightly different; however, there are some requirements that apply to all rental projects. All rental projects are required to submit the following documents, reports, and schedules via e-mail.
- Annual Operating Budgets (XLSM)* is due no later than 60 days before the beginning of the fiscal year;
- 2017 UMR Supportive Services Cost Form (XLSM) is due if there is a Supportive Services expense included in account code #6990 and the project is subject to the 2017 UMRs. (Updated per HCD Administrative Notice dated October 7, 2024).
- Schedules of Rental Income (XLS) is due no later than 60 days before the beginning of the fiscal year;
- 2025 HCD Schedule of Rental Income SRI Training - Session 1 (YouTube) — SRI information pertaining to HOME, FWHG, and MHP-based programs
- 2025 HCD Schedule of Rental Income SRI Training - Session 2 (YouTube) — SRI information pertaining to Legacy programs such as CHRP, SUHRP, RHCP, and LPR
- 2025 SRI Training Q&A (PDF)
- Occupancy Standards Exceptions Checklist (PDF) - If applicable, the Occupancy Standards Exceptions Checklist should be filled out once, at the beginning of the allowable exception. The checklist should be kept in the tenant file and available for inspection during HCD monitoring site visits. Each year with the Schedule of Rental Income, for as long as the exception remains valid, the sponsor shall enter comments for the unit(s) in the AR column on tab 2 of the SRI indicating that an Occupancy Standards Exceptions Checklist has been approved and is on file. Please contact your assigned Occupancy Representative with any questions.
- Annual Reports (XLS) no later than 60 days (for CHRP-R, CALDAP. DPRLP, DDS, MPRROP, SUHRP, and SERA) or no later than 90 days (for all other programs) after the end of the fiscal year. Projects required to submit audited financial statements are not required to submit fiscal annual report forms but must submit the audited financial statement within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year. The instructions for this report contain program-specific additional requirements;
- Programs listed in the Audited Financial Statements Handbook (PDF) — revised October 18, 2023, require audited financial statements, and all projects that have been restructured under the Housing Loan Conversion Program (HLCP) or the Loan Portfolio Restructuring Program (LPRP) are required to submit audited financial statements. Click here for a training video for the Sept. 2023 draft Audited Financial Statements Handbook;
- Evidence of annual renewal certificates of required insurance (PDF) prior to expiration of coverage must be submitted annually to your AMC representative. If the project is involved in a restructuring or refinancing transaction, or if there is a new project owner, or if the insurance agent/broker changes at any time during the year, the Insurance Guidelines Checklist (PDF) — must be included.
- Reserve Withdrawal Requests (XLS) are due no later than 45 days after the fiscal year in which the expenses were incurred and prior to withdrawing funds. Refer to the Replacement Reserve Guidelines (PDF) for additional information. Requests must be submitted to your AMC representative.
*Annual report forms are also available as separate documents as follows: AMC 182—Reserve and Other Account Balances (XLS), AMC 184—Sponsor’s Project Rating (XLS).
Site Visit Compliance Monitoring
In addition to collecting annual report information, the Department also monitors rental projects by conducting routine physical site inspections, which includes but is not limited to an examination of tenant files, unit conditions, property standards (common areas, exterior conditions), as well as review of the Management Plan and/or Property Management Agreement. The goal of the site visit process is to ensure that each rental project adheres to the program regulations and terms of the regulatory agreement.
- 2017 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2018 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2019 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2020 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2021 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2022 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2023 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
- 2024 Site Visit Priority List (XLS)
Management Documents
Due during the loan closing process or at the time of requesting a project management change. Please contact your Occupancy Representative with any questions.
- AMC-186 – Project Closing Report (XLS)
- Proposal for Management Agent (PDF)
- Management Contract (PDF) and Contract Checklist (PDF)
- Management Plan Checklist (PDF)
- Appeal and Grievance procedure (PDF)
- Lease Addendum — English (PDF) / Spanish (PDF) (Must be attached as an addendum to all Assisted Unit rental agreements and when the lease addendum is modified)
AMC Publications
- Utility Allowances Documentation Requirements (PDF)
- HCD Memo LA HUD Waiver (PDF) — Memo Date: 10/05/2023
- HCD Memo Disability Income Exclusion for Veterans (PDF) — Memo Date: 01/21/2025
- HCD NSPIRE Memo (PDF) — Memo Date: 01/10/2025
- HCD Administrative Notice FWHG Marketing and Prioritization Requirements (PDF) — Memo Date: 02/18/2025
Program-Specific Compliance Requirements
In addition to the requirements for All Rental Housing Projects, the following program-specific requirements must also be met:
Emergency Housing Assistance Program—Capital Development (EHAP-CD)
- Race/Ethnic Data Collection - HUD Form 27061-H (DOC)
- EHAP-CD Annual Report (DOC)
- EHAPCD Monitoring Checklist (rev. 03/16) (DOC)
Emergency Housing Assistance Program—Capital Development (EHAP-CD)
- Race/Ethnic Data Collection - HUD Form 27061-H (DOC)
- EHAP-CD Annual Report (DOC)
- EHAPCD Monitoring Checklist (rev. 03/16) (DOC)
Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) for State Recipient (SR) Rental Projects
State Recipients who made loans to HOME rental projects have their own long-term monitoring requirements. Resources are available here to assist SRs in their monitoring efforts, including Income Calculation Guide, required forms, and sample checklists, letters, and other documents.
- Annual Affirmative Marketing Analysis Report (XLS) – for owner/agent completion
- Sample (PDF)
- Race/Ethnic Data Collection - HUD Form 27061-H (DOC)
Management Memos
Sample Monitoring Checklists
- Sample "Tenant File Review" Checklist (DOC)
- Sample "Exterior, Grounds, Public Areas" Checklist (DOC)
- HUD Unit Inspection Checklist (HUD Form 52580-A) (PDF)
- Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) HUD Form 935.2a
- Sample - AFHMP (PDF) Note: This sample AFHMP was prepared by HOME based on a project-specific example provided by HUD. Although the names, locations and other identifying information appear to be real, they are fictitious. This sample is provided to illustrate expected level of detail required.
Long-Term Monitoring of State Recipients
- Annual Monitoring Report (DOC) for rental properties with 5 or more total units (Questionnaire for SR completion) (effective January 2013)
- Physical Condition Report (XLS) for all HOME-assisted rental properties (Report for SR completion) (effective January 2011)
- Annual Project Compliance Report (DOC) — Rental Housing for properties with 5 or more total units (for owner/agent completion) (revised January 2009)
- Annual Project Compliance Report (DOC) — Rental Housing for properties with 1-4 total units (for owner/agent completion) (effective January 2011)
- Instructions - Annual Project Compliance Report (DOC) (revised January 2009)
- Completed Sample of the Annual Project Compliance Report (DOC) (revised January 2009)
- Sample Site Visit Notification Letter (DOC)
- Sample Clearance Letter (DOC)
- Sample Summary Letter (DOC)
For the Multifamily Housing Program (MHP), Downtown Rebound Program (MHPDRP), Governor’s Homeless Initiative (GHI), Homeless Youth (HYMHP), Supportive Housing (SHMHP), Transit Oriented Development Program (TOD), and the Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Program (VHHP), Farmworker Housing Grant (FWHG)
- AMC 187 - Special Needs Populations, Homeless Youth and Governors Homeless Initiative Report (XLS) (must be submitted if project requires any units to be restricted to Special Needs Populations, Homeless Youth, or if Governor's Homeless Initiative units are identified in Exhibit B of the HCD Regulatory Agreement): MHP, GHI, HYMHP
- Third-Party Homeless Verification form (DOC): MHP, GHI, HYMHP, SHMHP
- Third-Party Disability Verification for Supportive Housing Projects (DOC): MHP, GHI, HYMHP, SHMHP
- AMC 185 - Supportive Housing Report (XLS) (must be submitted if Supportive Housing units are identified in Exhibit B of the HCD Regulatory Agreement): SHMHP
- Schedule of Rental Income (XLS) for SERNA Migrant Projects
Mobilehome Park Rehabilitation and Resident Ownership Program
Rental Housing Construction Program – Original (RHCP-O) and Housing Loan Conversion Program (HLCP)
- Schedule of Rental Income (XLS) — refer to the "Official State" Income and Rent Limits.
- Operating Budget Workbook (XLS) (contains Certifications and AMC 180a and 181a)
- Operating Budget Workbook Instructions (DOC)
- HLCP Cash Flow Analysis and Determination of Annuity (PDF)
No Place Like Home (NPLH)
Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP)
Program | CCR* | UMR* | Guidelines | Regulatory Agreement |
CHRP-R | Regulations | |||
CALDAP—Rental | Regulations (PDF) | Guidelines (PDF) | ||
DPRLP—Rental | Regulations (PDF) | |||
DDS | ||||
EHAP-CD | Regulations | |||
FMTW | Regulations | Guidelines (XLS) | ||
FHDP | Regulations | |||
HOME | Which rules apply? (XLS) | |||
JSJFWHG | Regulations | Check with your AMC rep. | ||
MPRROP | Regulations | Regulatory agreement (DOC) | ||
MHP | Which rules apply? (XLS) | |||
GHI | Which rules apply? (XLS) | |||
HYMHP | Which rules apply? (XLS) | |||
OMS | Regulations (PDF) | |||
SHMHP | Which rules apply? (XLS) | |||
RHCP-B | Regulations | |||
RHCP-O | Regulations | |||
SUHRP—Rental | Regulations | |||
SERA—Rental | Guidelines (PDF) |
*California Code of Regulations and Uniform Multifamily Regulations