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California Department of Housing and Community Development Awards $30 Million to Support Housing Production Activities for Extremely Low-Income Households

February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019

Sacramento, CA

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is pleased to award $30 million to seven California communities from the National Housing Trust Fund program to help build new housing affordable to Californians who struggle daily to make ends meet.

Established by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the National Housing Trust Fund program helps produce housing for extremely low-income households.

“Increasing the housing supply and making rent affordable is crucial for California, especially for those whose incomes are extremely low,” said HCD Director Ben Metcalf. “These awards will provide much-needed assistance and a place to call home for people who otherwise can’t find safe, stable, and affordable apartments, including people experiencing homelessness, veterans, and special needs populations.”

Funds from the program were awarded to experienced affordable housing developers, including Native American entities, and nonprofit corporations.

A listing of awardees is attached.

California Department of Housing & Community Development

2018 National Housing Trust Fund

Awardee List

Project SponsorProject NameLocationAmount Awarded
PATH VenturesPATH Villas HollywoodLos Angeles$3,935,162
Housing Authority of the City of San BuenaventuraWillett RanchSan Buenaventura$8,370,651
LA Family Housing CorporationSummit View ApartmentsNorth Hollywood$4,900,000
Satellite Affordable Housing AssociatesManzanita Family ApartmentsNapa$4,206,687
Neighborhood Partners, LLCColdstream CommonsTruckee$4,012,084
Resources for Community DevelopmentColiseum PlaceOakland$2,621,515
Self-Help EnterprisesStonegate VillagePatterson$2,000,000


Contact Details:

Monica Hernandez
(916) 890-5240