California Invests $757 Million to Create Affordable Housing and Clean Transportation
Investment will create more than 2,500 affordable homes, 150 zero-emissions buses, and over 50 miles of new bikeways; will reduce 800,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equal to removing 178,000 gas-powered cars off CA's roads for one year
August 30, 2023

AHSC Map of Awarded Cities
Why It Matters: As cities around the country wrestle with how to rebuild communities, California is moving forward with a vision for the state’s future, investing more than $750 million to create more affordable housing and clean transportation. Today’s announcement is part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s call to make coordinated investments that advance the state’s housing and climate goals while attracting additional federal and private funds into our communities.
What the Governor said: “California is reimagining communities around the state to address the ways our cities are changing – adapting to climate change and addressing housing scarcity. These investments will help cut carbon pollution and build more affordable housing as we look forward to a clean energy future.”
SACRAMENTO — Governor Gavin Newsom, along with the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC), today announced $757 million in funding to advance the building of affordable housing in jobs-rich, walkable neighborhoods. This investment will create more than 2,500 affordable homes, 150 new zero-emissions buses, over 50 miles of new bikeways, and improve miles of sidewalks in communities across the state. Once constructed, the projects will reduce 800,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to taking 178,000 gas-powered cars off California’s roads for one year.
Today’s announcement is funded through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program. AHSC is a part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities. The program is a partnership between SGC, California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), and California Air Resources Board (CARB).
“We are working across state government to make life-long investments in people and places, and this latest round of awards does just that,” said Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramírez. “With over $757 million in funding to over 16 communities, we are building stable and affordable places to live with access to jobs, transit, parks and places where veterans, older Californians and families with children can prosper.
"I am proud of the cross-departmental collaboration to make these awards that will result in over 2,500 new climate-friendly affordable homes across the state," said HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez. "These new homes will serve as a foundation of opportunity for the individuals and families living in them and will add more walking, biking, and transit infrastructure that will benefit the entire community."
"As we consider the billions in federal funding on the table, today’s investment not only provides safe and affordable housing and transportation options, but also attracts additional dollars that stimulate local economies and create jobs," said Lynn von Koch-Liebert, SGC Executive Director. "We would like to thank our partners, including our Council, the Governor, and HCD and CARB for their partnership in delivering a proven model for climate-ready homes and thriving communities."
“California has been a leader in advancing cleaner transportation options, while also advancing solutions that make it easier for people to avoid the need for a car trip,” said CARB Chair Liane Randolph. “The state’s investments in affordable, climate-friendly housing options and in zero-emissions, non-vehicle travel such as walking and biking are part of the path toward a clean air future for California.”
In the last round alone, AHSC-funded developments leveraged a total of $2.4 billion in additional local, state, federal, and private investments, catalyzing investment into climate-friendly communities.
Today’s announcement will bring the total funding through AHSC to over $3 billion, making it the state’s largest funding source for affordable housing in California. Since its inception, the program has contributed to the development of 17,000 affordable homes and thousands of transportation improvement projects. Overall, these projects have reduced 5 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to taking 11 million gas-powered cars off California’s roads for one year.
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Round 7 Awardees:
Resources for Community Development, San Jose
Awarded $29.4 Million
The project will create a mixed-use, transit-oriented community and build 98 new affordable homes at 797 S. Almaden Avenue. This project will improve an underutilized and vacant corner lot, while providing a significant number of affordable homes in an area that is facing rapid gentrification and displacement. As a part of San Jose’s City-adopted Vision Zero Plan, the project will include 12.5 miles of dedicated bus priority lanes, 12.9 miles of protected bicycle lanes, and various pedestrian enhancements, such as pedestrian bulb-outs and high visibility crosswalks.
BRIDGE Housing Corporation, Sacramento
Awarded $42.9 Million
BRIDGE Housing Corporation will transform the vacant land and unoccupied buildings at 440 Arden Way into a vibrant mixed-use development including 124 affordable homes. The ground floor will include a commercial childcare center available to residents of the broader neighborhood, a resident services suite, a community room, a multipurpose room, a laundry room, and structured parking surrounding a courtyard with playgrounds and community gardens. 440 Arden Way will also be a part of the Dixieanne Neighborhood Clean & Green Alleys project, cleaning and beautifying residential alleys by providing shade trees, public art, and bike boulevards. Sacramento Regional Transit District will participate in these community upgrades by improving existing local bus routes and boarding infrastructure along congested corridors in North Sacramento.
BRIDGE Housing Corporation and the City & County of San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
Awarded $45.7 Million
The Balboa A project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to redevelop underutilized parking lots into 159 affordable homes, including on-site amenities, such as childcare centers, a public park, and accessible multi-modal transit options. This project will transform the entire Balboa Reservoir neighborhood, centering a diverse and inclusive mixed-income community around a new Reservoir Park. The land was once controlled by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The SFPUC made the site available for development as part of San Francisco's Public Land for Housing Program, which utilizes City-owned land to address the City's most pressing housing issues.
Crenshaw Crossing, La Cienega LOMOD LLC and City of Los Angeles
Awarded $49.9 Million
Crenshaw Crossing is a housing project with 176 affordable homes in the heart of South Los Angeles. As a joint project between La Cienega LOMOD, Inc. and the City of Los Angeles, residents will have access to many on-site amenities, including a yoga room, fitness center, lounges, and outdoor spaces. Nearly 10 miles of new bike lanes are being constructed as a part of Crenshaw Crossing, as well as sidewalk repairs, crosswalks, and ADA curb ramps, making the area safer and more accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Dakota, UP Holdings California, LLC and RHCB Development, Fresno
Awarded $48.7 Million
The Dakota project will create 114 affordable homes accommodating varied family sizes and 45 VASH vouchers for veterans. The project will have wrap-around services for residents provided by a variety of social service providers including the Veterans Affairs Office, RH Community Builders, and the City Center. Transportation improvements for the area came together through a partnership among the City of Fresno’s Public Works Department, Fresno Area Express, Planning Department, and CalVans. Dakota will bring a Class IV Bikeway, new walkways, thirty-two new bus stop stations, an electric bus, and carpool vans to the area.
Downtown Women’s Center Campus Expansion, GTM Holdings, LLC and the City of Los Angeles
Awarded $41.1 Million
Located in an empty lot adjacent to the Downtown Women’s Center's headquarters, the housing development is comprised of 97 affordable homes and permanent supportive housing for victims of domestic violence and women experiencing homelessness. In addition to these residential units, the project incorporates over 10,000 square feet of community space on the ground floor, including ample service space for the Downtown Women's Center's programming. Working with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, this project will establish 2,169 feet of continuous safe and accessible walkway. Over two miles of bike lanes will also be constructed, completing the east-west network connecting Downtown Los Angeles to Skid Row and the Arts District.
Eureka Scattered Sites Project, Linc Housing Corporation and the City of Eureka
Awarded $30.1 Million
The Eureka Scattered Sites Project is a collaboration between the Linc Housing
Corporation, City of Eureka, and Humboldt Transportation Authority to connect housing and transportation to Eureka’s Downtown Core Area. The three unique housing sites will provide a total of 90 affordable homes and other community amenities, such as short- and long-term bicycle parking, services offices, a community room, laundry facilities, and a playground. To help close gaps in transit efficiency and rider experience as identified in the City of Eureka’s Unmet Transit Needs Annual Report, the Eureka Scattered Sites Project includes the purchase of two battery-electric microtransit vehicles and charging infrastructure. Additionally, the Project is developing the G Street Bicycle Boulevard, which provides a direct connection to two distinct destination centers in the city—The Downtown Core Area and Henderson Center—as well as thousands of feet of new and repaired sidewalks.
HHH New Hampshire, BRIDGE Housing Corporation and the City of Los Angeles
Awarded $31 Million
HHH New Hampshire, a partnership between BRIDGE Housing Corporation and the City of Los Angeles, will create 93 affordable homes in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles. The homes are for those who previously experienced homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness. The building will include a childcare center, community room, services hub, and laundry room. The project includes the purchase of seven zero-emissions vehicles for two bus routes that have excellent north-south access, connecting riders from Koreatown to Hollywood, South LA, and multiple light rail stations.
Kashia Windsor, Burbank Housing Development Corporation, Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria; Town of Windsor and Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District
Awarded $19.9 Million
The Kashia Windsor project is a 54-unit affordable multifamily project with a mixed-use office space to serve as the Kashia Tribal Headquarters; residential amenities; and a public gallery for community education, outreach, and displays of Tribal arts and crafts. The Town of Windsor’s Old Redwood Highway Corridor Enhancement Plan focuses on “complete streets” for the Town and its residents. To accomplish this, The Kashia Windsor project is purchasing one zero-electric vehicle bus, which will reduce headway times for the local bus route from 45-60 minutes to 30 minutes. Additionally, the project will install 1.4 miles of bike routes and install new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. They will also construct a new passenger rail station for the SMART Train.
119 Lincoln Street, Eden Housing, Inc. For the Future Housing, Inc., and the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District
Awarded $33.5 million
119 Lincoln Street includes 124 affordable homes, a modern public library, childcare facility, and bicycle parking. For residents specifically, the project will include a technology learning center, rooftop atrium, and onsite after school programs and wellness programs. The homes are in the transit-rich downtown Santa Cruz. It is located only a few hundred feet away from the planned new bus depot, which will improve headway times and electrify the bus service, providing benefits to residents and the surrounding community. To improve pedestrian safety and access, this project will upgrade the Santa Cruz Riverwalk on both sides of the San Lorenzo River as it passes through downtown.
Meridian at Corona Station, Danco Communities, For Profit Corporation, the City of Petaluma and the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District (SMART)
Awarded $30.2 million
Meridian at Corona Station will create 130 affordable homes with a mix of one, two, and three bedrooms to accommodate varied family sizes. The Sonoma County Bike Coalition will provide safety education training programs that include bike safety workshops, bike repair workshops, walking school buses or other group walking activities, and Safe Routes to School. This project will include a new bike ramp onto the facility, two new pedestrian curb ramps, street lighting, bike paths, and street trees. Construction of a new passenger infill train station within a publicly owned railroad near the affordable housing location will increase transportation opportunities for all residents and community members.
Metro at Florence, Los Angeles County, and Meta Development, LLC
Awarded $30.8 million
Metro at Florence will create 158 affordable homes for the unincorporated Florence-Firestone community in Los Angeles County. Building common areas consist of a community room, dedicated onsite supportive services spaces, laundry facilities, a landscaped outdoor courtyard, and an upper deck with landscaping and recreational space. A new bicycle boulevard will also be installed to create linkages with existing bike facilities. To reduce existing local bus route headway times, the project will purchase nine new zero-emission buses.
Metrowalk Phase 2, Pacific West Communities, Inc. And the City of Richmond,
Awarded $42.9 million
A collaboration between the City of Richmond and Pacific West Communities, the
Metrowalk Phase 2 will build 150 affordable homes located at the Richmond BART station. This transit-oriented development will allow resident access to seating areas, a community area including an office space, computer room, and exercise room. Being at a BART station, the Metrowalk Phase 2 project will include station improvements, including the installation of upgraded fare gates and construct Over one mile of Class IV bikeway and pedestrian improvements including street trees and wayfinding will be developed in the vicinity, completing the Richmond Wellness Trail that connects the Richmond BART Station to the ferry at the waterfront.
Mulberry Gardens Family Apartments, Eden Housing, Inc. and the City of Riverside
Awarded $27.9 Million
The Mulberry Gardens Family Apartments will provide 150 affordable homes near
downtown Riverside. The design features two outdoor courtyards with drought-tolerant landscaping, shaded seating areas, a tot lot, bocce ball court, fitness area, BBQ and picnic tables. Based on the City of Riverside Active Transportation Plan, the Mulberry Gardens Family Apartments project will construct new sidewalk, bike lanes, bus shelters, crosswalks, and street trees. Additionally, 42 zero-emissions CalVans will be purchased to give more accessible transportation options for residents and the surrounding neighborhoods.
Riverwalk Phase I, Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation, San Diego
Awarded $41.1 Million
The Riverwalk Phase I project will create 190 affordable homes for a wide variety of families. Amenities include ample community space including a large outdoor courtyard with play area and a community room with features such as computer stations, a kitchen, and space for workshops, classes, community events and social activities. The project accomplishes its transit-oriented village and pedestrian-oriented design by constructing a new Trolley Station at the center of the project area, establishing a connection directly to the MTS green line the Fashion Valley Transit Center hub which is a central hub for bus service throughout San Diego. Additionally, the project will install new bike lanes and pedestrian paths and build new bus shelters and street lighting infrastructure.
Seventh Street Village, Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc., Modesto
Awarded $33 Million
Seventh Street Village is a multi-family affordable housing development proposed by Visionary Home Builders of California (VHB). The Project will create 79 affordable homes serving low-income families and individuals. The ground floor and podium level will house the rental office, business center, Head Start Day Care area, and Community Center. Transportation improvements include bike lanes and bulb-outs, creating a bike friendly neighborhood. The project will also install new pedestrian bus to facilitate public transit flow on StanRTD's bus route through downtown Modesto. Residents and community members will also be able walk on newly created sidewalks under new tree canopies. Funding for this project also supports the Rail Locomotive Zero-Emission Conversion, which will support added service to the ACE commuter train to Silicon Valley and Sacramento.
Smith Avenue Apartments, Pacific West Communities, Inc. the City of Leemore and Kings County Area Public Transit Agency, Leemore
Awarded $25 Million
The Smith Avenue Apartments will create 108 affordable homes for Leemore residents, along with a community building, laundry facility, playground, dog park, and pool. King County Area Public Transit Agency will purchase eight mini buses that will be used to operate and expand the region’s micro-transit service. In addition to the basic services offered to Smith Avenue Apartment residents, the Central Valley Coalition for Affordable Housing will also provide instructor-led classes in health and wellness, financial literacy, home-buyer education, parenting, GED preparation, and smoking cessation.
3900 Thornton, Resources for Community Development, Fremont
Awarded $45.8 Million
3900 Thornton will redevelop an underutilized vacant lot into 128 affordable homes in the Centerville neighborhood of Fremont. 3900 Thornton will include the construction of a raised cycle track, which will connect to a new separated bikeway to complete the bike lane infrastructure for the corridor and provide a connection to the south to the highest concentration of low-income jobs located in Central Fremont. Additionally, the Centerville Train Depot Plaza will receive upgrades that will enhance the existing conditions and provide improved comfort and ease of transition between the various travel modes that converge at the Centerville Train Depot area, including local and regional transit buses, employee shuttles, regional rail, automobiles, bike/scooter share, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Transbay 2, Mercy Housing California and the San Francisco City and County Mayors Office of Housing and Community Development,
Awarded $41 Million
Transbay 2 is an expansive project creating 184 affordable studio to three-bedroom homes with permanent supportive housing. On-site resident services will include case management, mental health services, and job counseling. The building will have multiple indoor and outdoor community spaces. As a part of BART’s Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program, funding for this project will go towards the purchase of two new BART cars, increasing train length and the number of trains operating during peak hours and maximizing capacity throughout the system. Transbay 2 will also include improvements to support San Francisco’s Vision Zero commitment: new bulb-outs and curb ramps for pedestrian safety, a two-way protected bikeway, bike signals, and traffic signal modifications.
The Transbay 2 project is unique in including an intergenerational component as a central element of its project plan, with intergenerational programming for older adults and families to enhance the lives of everyone while instilling a sense of community cohesion. Transforming this prime, downtown real estate into affordable housing provides an opportunity to demonstrate how incorporating residents of all income levels into a dense, walkable neighborhood can create a vibrant community.
850 Turk Street, MidPen Housing and the San Francisco City and County Mayors Office of Housing and Community Development
Awarded $31.9 Million
850 Turk will create 92 affordable homes with resident amenities including extensive common spaces, laundry facilities, bike storage room, outdoor spaces, and play structures. Onsite services will focus on those services important to the target population, such as service coordination, adult education classes, and afterschool programs. Residents will be provided transit passes for the first three years of operations, as well as City Fiber internet free of charge.
The project's location in the Civic Center/Hayes Valley neighborhood of San Francisco is ideal for walkability and bikeability. 850 Turk will further enhance this by improving transit reliability through targeted improvements to traffic signals and upgrades to Traffic Signal Priority. This project also improves bicyclist safety through a full restriction on private vehicles using the street, upgrades protections to existing protected bicycle facilities, and improves all pedestrian crossings through upgraded crosswalks, accessible pedestrian signals and other walking infrastructure.
306 E. Washington Plaza, Hollywood Community Housing Corporation and the City of Los Angeles
Awarded $34.5 Million
306 E. Washington will provide 96 affordable homes for residents of Downtown Los Angeles, providing two community rooms, long-term bicycle parking, laundry rooms, and multiple outdoor spaces. Extensive transportation improvements will accommodate the project. An east-west bikeway on 21st Street will serve as an alternative to the busy arterial of Washington Boulevard. Pedestrian improvements include reconstructing sidewalks to form over 2,000 linear feet of safe and accessible walkway to enhance the pedestrian network in the neighborhood. Nine buses will also be purchased to improve efficiency along two crucial bus lines adjacent to the housing development. 306 E. Washington exemplifies the transformative community change outlined in the City’s Southeast Los Angeles Community Plan (SELACP), which encourages creative land use and responsible development that emphasizes the rich cultural and architectural history and its diverse and empowered population.