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California Department of Housing and Community Development Housing Update (September 2019)

California Department of Housing and Community Development Housing Update (September 2019)

Nearly $25 million awarded in recent days, two cities come into compliance, one city at risk of losing compliance
September 19, 2019
Sacramento, CA —  

The California Department of Housing and Community Development has announced that more than $3 million in SB 2 planning grant money and nearly $22 million in Community Development Block Grant money has been awarded recently. In addition, two cities have come into compliance with state Housing Element law and one city is at risk of losing compliance.

SB 2 Planning Grants

Fourteen California cities have received a total of $3.15 million in SB 2 planning grants. (See attached list)

SB 2, the Building Homes and Jobs Act (2017) established a $75 recording fee on certain real estate documents to be used for planning grants in its first year, and for affordable homes in subsequent years. The planning grants can be used for updating local planning documents, updating zoning ordinances, conducting environmental analyses or for local improvements to expedite local planning and permitting.

Community Development Block Grants

Some $21.7 million from the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program has been awarded to 18 of California’s smaller cities and counties. (See attached list.)

The money will be used for a variety of activities, such as providing single- or multi-family home rehabilitation, homeownership assistance, public water improvements, fire stations, senior and children’s services, flood draining improvements and more.

HCD administers the Community Development Block Grant program for those cities with populations under 50,000 and counties with populations under 200,000 in unincorporated areas that do not directly receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Holtville, City of Imperial Come Into Housing Element Law Compliance

The cities of Holtville and the City of Imperial have become the eighth and ninth cities to come into compliance with state Housing Element law since Governor Gavin Newsom met with mayors earlier this year to address the housing affordability crisis in California.

Holtville adopted an ordinance to allow for a variety of housing types that address the housing needs for low-income families and special needs populations, including farmworkers. The City of Imperial has committed to addressing the housing needs for lower-income families through increasing densities to provide opportunities to support mixed-use development.

Pico Rivera at Risk of Losing Compliance

HCD continues to hold local jurisdictions accountable for complying with Housing Element law, and today sent a letter notifying the city of Pico Rivera they are in violation of California’s Housing Element Law. The city has failed to zone to accommodate enough units to meet is Regional Housing Needs Allocation targets. Pico Rivera has 30 days to respond to HCD’s findings before HCD will take actions to pull the city’s Housing Element compliance.

In addition, HCD is working with a handful of California jurisdictions that are at risk of falling out of compliance with state housing law, including Housing Element law, the Housing Accountability Act, Density Bonus law, no net loss requirements and potential fair housing issues.

SB 2 Planning Grants

September 18, 2019 $3.15 Million

JurisdictionCity/CountyAward AmountPriority Policy Area (PPA)Other Activities
ArcataCity$160,000Specific Plans or Form Based Codes Coupled with CEQA Streamlining 
ChicoCity$310,000Housing Related Infrastructure Financing and Fee Reduction StrategiesRezone to permit by-right; objective design and development standards; ADU strategy; and expedited processing
CotatiCity$160,000Multiple PPAs 
DavisCity$310,000ADU or Other Low-Cost Building StrategiesSpecific Plans or Form-Based Codes Coupled with CEQA Streamlining
FontanaCity$625,000Specific Plans or Form Based Codes Coupled with CEQA StreamliningRezone to permit by-right; objective design and development standards; expedited processing; and housing related infrastructure financing and fee reduction strategies
Grass ValleyCity$160,000Specific Plans or Form Based Codes Coupled with CEQA StreamliningRezone to permit by-right; expedited processing
KingCity$160,000Rezone to Permit By RightAccessory Dwelling Units or other low cost building strategies; Expedited processing
Mammoth LakesTown$160,000NoneConceptual land use plan for a 25-acre city owned site
RosemeadCity$160,000Specific Plans or Form Based Codes Coupled with CEQA Streamlining 
SonomaCounty$310,000Objective Design and Development StandardsExpedited processing
S. Lake TahoeCity$160,000Objective Design and Development StandardsExpedited processing
St. HelenaCity$160,000Rezone to Permit By Right 
TruckeeCity$160,000Rezone to Permit By Right 
WillowsCity$160,000Expedited Processing 


Community Development Block Grant

September 10, 2019 $21.7 Million

CountyApplicantActivitiesAward Amount
Del NorteCounty of Del NortePublic services - senior services; public services - abused and neglected children$500,000

City of Firebaugh

City of San Joaquin

Public improvements - waterline replacement

Public improvements - new water well



HumboldtCounty of HumboldtED - microenterprise technical assistance program; PTA study$496,220
ImperialCity of BrawleySingle-family housing rehabilitation program; and homeownership assistance program$500,000
ImperialCounty of ImperialPublic facilities - fire station/cooling center$3,000,000
ImperialColoniasPalo Verde: public improvements - water well; Heber: single-family housing rehabilitation program; Niland: single-family housing rehabilitation program; Salton Sea: single-family housing rehabilitation program$1,500,000
LakeCity of LakeportPublic improvements in support of housing new construction - street improvements$650,000
MendocinoCounty of MendocinoED - microenterprise technical assistance program$500,000
MercedCity of Los BanosPublic services - code enforcement program$500,000
Santa CruzCounty of Santa CruzMulti-family housing rehabilitation project; PTA study$521,000
ShastaCity of Shasta LakeSingle-family housing rehabilitation program$300,000
SiskiyouCity of Mt. ShastaED - direct financial assistance for for-profits; ED - microenterprise loans/grants; ED - microenterprise technical assistance program$465,117
TulareCity of DinubaPublic improvements - flood drainage improvements$3,000,000
TulareCity of ExeterSingle-family housing rehabilitation program; homeownership assistance program$600,000
TulareCity of FarmersvillePublic services - senior services; public services - youth services$390,000
TulareCity of WoodlakePublic improvements - flood drainage improvements; single-family housing rehabilitation program; homeownership assistance program$3,000,000
TuolumneCounty of TuolumnePublic services - food bank; public services - housing stabilization program$500,000
  Total 2018-19 CDBG Awards$21,722,337


Contact Details:

Monica Hernandez
(916) 890-5240