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Five Homekey Projects Approved for Awards Totaling More than $113 Million

Five Homekey Projects Approved for Awards Totaling More than $113 Million

When Completed, Approved Projects Slated to Create Nearly 400 Units of Housing
December 21, 2021

SACRAMENTO — The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) today announced awards for five additional Homekey projects that, when fully operational, will provide nearly 400 units of housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness across the state.

"Homekey continues to be the fastest, largest, most cost-effective addition of permanent housing in California history," said Governor Gavin Newsom. "Today, communities as diverse as Healdsburg and Kern County are stepping up with innovative solutions – such as rehabbing an existing empty office building into supportive housing for homeless youth. This is what Homekey is all about – providing Californians in need with not just quality housing, but quality housing with the supportive services they require, located near the amenities they need."

Today’s announcement comes just one week after $105 million was approved for four other Homekey projects totaling more than 400 units of housing. All awards are part of Governor Newsom’s $2.75 billion extension of Homekey.

“Local communities continue to demonstrate imagination and innovation for how they utilize their Homekey dollars to help their homeless residents,” Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramírez said. “From a modular project in Rohnert Park to a project inside of a converted church in Bakersfield serving homeless youth, the state is proud to partner with local communities to prevent and end homelessness with the flexibility provided by Homekey.”

“Homekey has already touched thousands of lives, removing barriers and providing people with new opportunities for success,” said HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez. “That’s why we continue to operate with a sense of urgency to get resources out to jurisdictions across the state so we can assist even more Californians.”

A total of $113 million was awarded by HCD, which administers Homekey, for five projects, totaling 392 units of housing. Today’s awards include the following projects:

  • The City and County of San Francisco has been awarded more than $54.7 million to create and operate 160 units to provide permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness and chronic homelessness. The project features onsite supportive services and is located within a half mile of amenities like transportation, a grocery store, health facility and a pharmacy.
  • The Housing Authority of the County of Kern has been awarded more than $7.7 million to provide 34 units of permanent and interim housing for homeless youth or youth at-risk of homelessness. This project is a conversion of nonresidential property – an existing office building and a church - in Bakersfield. The project will offer extensive on-site/off-site supportive services tailored for the youth population, including case management, vocational and educational support, and behavioral health services.
  • The City of Rohnert Park will receive more than $14.6 million to construct 60 new modular units on a City-owned vacant lot. The Project will provide interim housing serving homeless and chronically homeless populations with a 60% set-aside for chronically homeless individuals. In addition to onsite supportive services, off-site amenities located within a half mile of the project include a grocery store, pharmacy and transit stop.
  • The City of Healdsburg will receive more than $7 million to acquire and rehabilitate 22 units of interim housing. Each unit will have motel-type amenities, and residents will have access to onsite and offsite support services, including mental health services, gardening therapy and pet support. Project is located near amenities, including public transportation, but the site will offer shuttle service for residents.
  • The Housing Authority of the City of Sacramento will receive more than $29 million to acquire and rehabilitate an existing hotel. When completed, the project promises 116 units of permanent and interim housing for people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness. On-site services include, but are not limited to, behavioral and physical health support, life skills, social and recreational events, education and employment services, and housing retention services. Units are located less than a mile from transit, grocery and outdoor park space.

Additional Homekey awards will be announced in the coming weeks.

Homekey is California’s innovative, nation-leading program to purchase and rehabilitate housing – including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and other properties – and convert them into permanent, long-term housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The Homekey Round 2 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) was released by HCD back in September. Completed applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted or May 2, 2022, whichever comes first. For more information, please visit the Homekey webpage.

Contact Details:

Monica Hernandez
(916) 890-5240