New Affordable Housing in Sacramento ‘Dream Come True’ for Residents
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Mutual Housing on the Boulevard
HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez joined community leaders and residents in celebrating the grand opening of Mutual Housing on the Boulevard, a new affordable housing development in Sacramento. A project of Mutual Housing, this development provides 127 affordable homes, 50 which are set aside for residents with an income at or less than 30% Area Median Income.
This project was supported by HCD’s No Place Like Home (NPLH) program. NPLH supports the creation of new permanent supportive housing providing very low-income residents at risk of homelessness with case management and access to mental health and substance abuse counseling. With the recent passage of Proposition 1, more permanent supportive housing can be expected to help California’s most vulnerable citizens.
Mutual Housing on the Boulevard has various on-site amenities for residents including a community room, computer lending library, media room and outdoor facilities such as community garden, playground, picnic areas, and courtyards. The property is 100% electric and is near public transit, schools, jobs, and vital services.

View the video below to hear from residents and community leaders about the importance of permanent supportive housing.