Old Delta Hotel Becomes Stockton’s Newest Affordable Housing Community

HCD recently joined state and local leaders in a ribbon-cutting event for Grand View Village, a new affordable housing development in downtown Stockton. Grand View offers 75 new affordable homes to people earning 30-80 percent of the Area Median Income, along with on-site amenities including a computer lab and community room.
Grand View Village is an adaptive reuse project that has transformed the old Delta Hotel and surrounding parcels. A project of Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc. (VHB), Grand View Village was designed to include space for a ground floor grocery store, community center, Montessori school, and Head Start program.
“We are proud to be building communities that provide a wide variety of services,” CEO of VHB, Carol J. Ornelas, said in an interview with the Escalon Times. “Grand View Village offers quality units, beautiful landscapes, and services that give tenants the opportunity to enjoy their living space.”
HCD provided almost $18 million to improve the surrounding streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, and storm drains through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program, which is administered in partnership with the Strategic Growth Council. Additionally, program funding will provide 25 new bus shelters, and a bi-level passenger rail car for the local transit system, and public Wi-Fi access at San Joaquin Regional Transit District’s Downtown Transit Center. As Grand View Village is located within a mile of the Downtown Transit Center, AHSC funds will also be used to provide resident families with monthly bus passes for the next three years.