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Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Applicants

Each of the following entities may apply independently, or each entity may apply jointly with a nonprofit or for-profit corporation, a limited liability company (LLC), and/or a limited partnership (LP) as a Co-Applicant.

  • Cities, counties, cities and counties, and all other state, regional, and Local Public Entities, including councils of government, metropolitan planning organizations, Public Housing Authorities, and regional transportation planning agencies designated in Section 29532.1 of the Government Code.
  • Tribes and Tribal Entities. Tribes and Tribal Entities are encouraged to apply for Homekey+ via Tribal Homekey+ NOFA.

Eligible Uses / Projects

Awarded funds must be used to provide housing for the target population of individuals and families experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness and experiencing a Behavioral Health Challenge. Projects targeting funds allocated for Veterans Projects must provide housing for Veteran households including experiencing a Behavioral Health Challenge and experiencing or At Risk of Homelessness.

Eligible Homekey+ uses include:

  • Acquisition or Rehabilitation, or Acquisition and Rehabilitation, of motels, hotels, hostels, apartments or homes, assisted living residences, manufactured housing, commercial properties, and other buildings with existing uses that could be converted to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH).
  • Master leasing of properties for PSH.
  • Conversion of units from nonresidential to residential PSH. (i.e. adaptive reuse) and conversion of Interim Housing to PSH.
  • New construction of dwelling units (see Section 501).
  • Gap financing (see Section 502).
  • The purchase of affordability covenants and restrictions for units.
  • Relocation costs for individuals who are being displaced because of the Homekey+ Project.
  • Capitalized operating subsidies for PSH units purchased, converted, constructed, or altered with funds provided pursuant to HSC Section 50675.1.3

Ineligible uses include:

  • Interim Housing.
  • Existing Homekey Assisted Units, previously awarded under Rounds 1, 2 and 3 of Homekey, are ineligible for funding under this NOFA, with the exception of the following:
  • Previously funded Homekey Projects that will expand to create new PSH units, or Previously funded Interim to Perm Homekey Assisted Units are eligible for gap financing under Section 502 of this NOFA, if the units are currently occupied and need funding to convert from Interim Housing to PSH.
  • The Homekey+ program is intended to support the development of PSH units and will not fund congregate shelter.
  • Licensed behavioral health care facilities, which may be eligible for Proposition 1 funding through the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).

Eligible Housing Types

Homekey is an opportunity for state, regional, and local public entities to develop a broad range of housing types, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Conversion of nonresidential structures to residential dwelling units.
  • Conversion of commercially zoned structures, such as office or retail spaces, to residential dwelling units.
  • Conversion of buildings with existing residential or interim uses that will be used to create PSH units.
  • Multifamily rental housing Projects.
  • Scattered site housing on multiple contiguous or non-contiguous sites is permitted as long as the resulting housing has common ownership, financing, and property management.

All Homekey+ Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project types require a 55-year affordability term.
