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Program Guidelines

The Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) Guidelines are the central source for most programmatic requirements for all four Super NOFA programs. Red Font is used in MHP Guidelines and across each set of program guidelines for content that is identical across the AB 434 programs, thus much of the MHP guidelines are in Red Font.

Since the non-MHP programs have distinctive population targeting, eligible uses, threshold requirements, and other statutory requirements, program-specific features are contained in the individual program guidelines in Black Font.

Definitions are in one consolidated definitions appendix that is attached to all guidelines as reference. That appendix has some definitions that are program-specific, but to the extent possible, definitions are universally applicable. Definitions that are only applicable to IIG, FWHG, or VHHP, have their own font color to distinguish them, while universally applicable definitions are indicated in Black Font.

The Universal Scoring criteria and tiebreaker system is outlined in the Super NOFA and is applicable to all Super NOFA programs. Additionally, information on loan and grant limits, funding strategy, including set-asides, and rating and ranking are also contained in the NOFA, which is being issued simultaneously with the guidelines.


Please note the Department’s Negative Points (PDF) and Disencumbrance (PDF) policies will be applicable to all applications submitted under the Super NOFA. Applicants should review those policies in advance of submitting an application.
