Monitoring Forms and Disbursement
This page contains information and resources for in-contract grantees of any of the three rounds of the Homekey program and the Homekey Tribal program to perform reporting requirements and request disbursement of funds. For any questions regarding a disbursement of funds or in regards to your Program requirements after execution of your Standard Agreement, please contact your assigned Multifamily Grant Management Representative or reach out to the inbox listed below.
Once you receive your executed Standard Agreement, please refer to it to determine any additional pre-disbursement and reporting requirements.
For questions regarding disbursement, reporting, milestones, or any issues after the execution of the Standard Agreement:
Funds can be requested for disbursement after the Standard Agreement has been fully executed and approved by the Department, and the conditions precedent to disbursement listed in the Standard Agreement (if applicable) have been met.
In addition to the specific conditions for disbursement set by your Standard Agreement, the Department requires a certification of California’s prevailing wage law (NOFA §506), a Department-approved Relocation Plan or Department-issued Certification Regarding Non-Application of Relocation Benefits and Indemnification Agreement (NOFA §504), and evidence of insurance (NOFA §800), to be on file before disbursement of Homekey award funds. We encourage Grantees to submit these forms to their Grant Management Representative or to the respective inbox as early as possible to prevent potential delays in receiving award funds.
All Rounds Disbursement Resources
- Request for Funds (RFF) Pre-Disbursement Requirements Checklist (PDF) — Last Updated 12/19/2024
- Statement of Assurances of State Prevailing Wage (PDF) — Last updated 6/20/2024
- Evidence of Insurance Checklist (PDF) — Last updated 8/15/2024
- Requesting a Wire Transfer for Acquisition (PDF) — Last updated 09/21/2023. Please review this guide if you are planning to request a wire transfer of acquisition award funds directly to an escrow company.
- HCD Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF) — Last updated 8/16/2024
Homekey Round 3 and Homekey Tribal Disbursement Forms
Submit Round 3 and Homekey Tribal documents to your Grant Management Representative.
- Request for Funds Form (XLSM) — Last updated 09/17/2024
- Homekey Round 3 — Request for Funds (RFF) Form Overview (YouTube)
Homekey Round 2 Disbursement Forms
Submit Round 2 documents to your Grant Management Representative.
- Request for Funds Form (XLS) — Last updated 6/20/2024
- Budget Flexibility Form (XLS) — Last updated 6/20/2024. Fill out this form if you plan to use a capital expenditure award for your project’s operating costs, or an operating award to fund a capital expenditure per NOFA Section 209.
For Homekey Rounds 2 and 3, the Grantees shall submit an annual Homekey Program and Expenditure Report to the Department the year following Standard Agreement execution on March 31 for the prior calendar year. The annual report will be required for at least five years following full occupancy of the project. Recipients of Homekey Tribal awards will submit the annual report for five years following full occupancy of the project.
Additionally, the Grantee shall submit to the Department such periodic reports, updates, and information as deemed necessary by the Department to monitor compliance and/or perform program evaluation.
Each time a milestone is completed, fill out the Milestone Reporting sections of the report and extension workbook and submit the forms to your grant representative to notify the Department.
If you may need an extension to any of the milestone deadlines or need to notify the Department of other project changes, fill out the relevant sections of the workbook to explain the circumstances and provide new completion dates if applicable. Requests for deadline extensions are subject to Department approval.
Homekey Reporting Forms
- Annual Report Form (XLSM) — Due March 31 of the year following Standard Agreement Execution.
- Performance Milestone Completion Form (PDF) — Last Updated 10/22/2024. Submit this form to report the completion of one or more required milestones for your project as listed in the Homekey Standard Agreement Exhibit E.
- Request for Milestone Deadline Extension (PDF) — Last Updated 10/22/2024. Submit this form to request an extension to one or more milestones from your Standard Agreement, Exhibit E.
- Request for Project Changes Form (PDF) — Last Updated 10/22/2024. Submit this form to report to the Department a change in your Homekey project or in Grantee organizational capacity that may impact the terms of your Standard Agreement.
- Interim to Permanent Conversion Notice (XLS) — Last updated 10/22/2024. Submit this form to notice the Department that your project is preparing to convert from interim to permanent housing.
- Conversion Completion Form (PDF) — Last updated 7/20/2023. Submit this form when your interim to permanent project has completed conversion and is ready for operation as permanent housing.
- Homekey Conversion and Relocation Guidance (PDF)
- Homekey Use Restriction Requirements (PDF)
All completed forms should be submitted to your assigned Grant Management Representative.